We had a BBQ event to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of the Second Nature Farm on Sunday, July 2, 2023.
Former regular volunteers who had worked hard every weekend during the pandemic to clean up the grounds and prepare the soil met for the first time after many months. These volunteer couples now have babies, becoming dads and moms one year after another. It is even said, “If you volunteer at Second Nature Farm, you will be blessed with a baby.” 🙂
Those parents hope to continue to bring their children to our farm and raise them to be people in harmony with Nature. So Uncle Gary and Aunty Takae want to keep working down to earth taking care of each other’s health, and sweating in good spirits, at least until these kids become the second generation of the farm’s volunteers.
Hopefully, by that time, our natural farming methods in agroforestry will be more widespread, and the world will have found a path to a sustainable future of people with food safety, a natural ecosystem, and peaceful body, mind, and spirit.
Our friends, members of Dojo RITAH (former Seiwajyuku Hawaii) also joined the celebration of the 3rd anniversary.
日本の新聞社系週刊誌記者、第二電電(現KDDI)広報責任者を経て米国留学。「持続可能な発展」などの政策比較研究を行い2000年カリフォルニア大サンディエゴ校で太平洋国際関係研究修士号取得。ハワイで有機園芸業を行っていたGary E. Johnsonとの結婚を機に2005年ハワイへ移住。翻訳出版とヨガインストラクターを続けながらGaryと共同で、「健康な食の生産、体と心の浄化、自然生態系の保全」を目的(3Pモットー)にした「森林農業+ヨガ・瞑想」プロジェクトをオアフ島ワイマナロで推進している。
After working as a reporter for a weekly newspaper and as a public relations manager at Daini-Denden (now KDDI), she moved to the U.S. to study comparative policies, such as on “sustainable development.” In 2000, she received her M.A. in Pacific International Relations from the University of California, San Diego, and in 2005, she married Gary E. Johnson, an organic gardener in Hawaii. While continuing to work as a translator, publisher, and yoga instructor, she has been working together with Gary on the Agroforestry + Yoga/Meditation project in Waimanalo, Oahu, which aims to “produce healthy food, purify the body and mind, and preserve the natural ecosystem (3P motto).”